The Benefits of ISO 27001 Certification

The Benefits of ISO 27001 Certification and Why you need to be ISO CertifiedISO

With the advent of the digital age, organisations are shifting their entire structures into digital databases. The pace of an organisations shift, can sometimes outpace any necessary security measures to keep a company’s data secure. Listed below are some benefits of the ISO27001 certification for the betterment of both your organisation and its employees.

Benefits For your Business:

Processes are established

Businesses that adopt ISO 27001 methodologies can help create established processes which can help your organisational structure mature. It sets out a clear chain of command, where individual employees are aware of their responsibilities with regards to security. With the responsibility divided amongst employees, each does their part to ensure that no security breach occurs.

Improved Reputation:

Not only this, organisation looking to work with you are satisfied with the level of security you’ve undertaken and this can lead to an improvement in your reputation. This is because customers are aware that you take information security seriously.

Leniency from Regulatory Agencies

Another important note is that, even if there is an information breach, regulators show leniency to organisations that are certified with ISO 27001 because the organisation is following best practices of information security.

ISO 27001 CourseBenefits for Employees:

Data breaches are mitigated:

ISO 27001 acts as a mitigator for any data breaches, which is good for employees. If, for instance, data breaches occur, but the organisation does not employ ISO 27001, then there can be severe reputational damages to the company. This can lead to a decrease in business ventures which can in turn, force the company into making cutbacks.

Root cause can be discovered:

If employees are following ISO 27001 and a security breach occurs, finding an actual reason behind the breach can be discovered. Scapegoating of employees cannot occur as upper management can determine if the employees responsible were performing their job were doing as such.

Secure Employee Information

Adopting this standard can also greatly improve employee trust with HR, and they will be more willing to disclose personal details. An organisation has a huge stock of employee information, and employees can rest easy that this information is being protected by well-established checks that are regularly assessed against a set of pre-determined criteria.

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